


Looking for a water charity expert? Providing an insight on welding philanthropy and Commerce together for the greater good. Insights on the crisis of hydration in America and the cure that we must tap into.


Dawn is an engaging person that compliments her audiences while teaching them how to compliment. A motivational speaker, sharing her funny informative life changing experiences as a business owner, entrepreneur, designer, product and furniture designer, healer/LMT, energy specialist, doula, employee engagement specialist, proficient complimentor,  product and brand creator, activist, radio and TV host, comedian, philanthropist, advertising and marketing expert, community leader, published, master of ceremonies/hosts public and private events, community event planning, and creator and founder of the nonprofit TheGivingWater,org and a full time signal mother and someone that love helping and improving lives. She has served on the board for several community outreach organizations. Dawn has spent her life cultivating a verity of unique set of exciting experiences that make her a much sought after speaker to all audiences ranging in all ages. Her audiences learn through her vase life lessons that all experiences can lead to your finest achievements



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